List of Publications apl. Prof. Dr. Rainer Meyhöfer

Showing results 1 - 20 out of 92


Teulon, D., Lopez Reyes , K., Meyhoefer, R., van Tol, R., & Nielsen , M. (Accepted/in press). Host Plant Finding in Miniature: Understanding Vision and Olfaction for Thrips and Other Small Flying Insects to Enhance Biological Control. In Advances in biocontrol of crop insect pests Burleigh dodds science publishing.


Athanasiadou, M., & Meyhöfer, R. (2024). Blue and UV light-emitting diodes (LEDs) disturb the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) from its host. Journal of pest science, 97(3), 1355-1367.
Athanasiadou, M., Seger, R., & Meyhöfer, R. (2024). Potential of blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to disturb whiteflies on the crop: a new push–pull strategy? Journal of pest science. Advance online publication.
Athanasiadou, M., Schulz, M., & Meyhöfer, R. (2024). The effect of blue and UV light-emitted diodes (LEDs) on the disturbance of the whitefly natural enemies Macrolophus pygmaeus and Encarsia formosa. Biological Control, 199, Article 105663.
Grupe, B. A., & Meyhoefer, R. (2024). Blue LED trap and commercial lure improve Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) monitoring in cucumber crops. Journal of Pest Science, 97(4), 2047-2058.
Grupe, B., & Meyhöfer, R. (2024). Light‐emitting diode traps in commercial greenhouses: A field study report on Encarsia formosa bycatch. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 173(1), 40-48.
Grupe, B., & Meyhöfer, R. (2024). Whitefly Detected: LED Traps Enhance Monitoring of Trialeurodes vaporariorum in Greenhouse-Grown Tomato. Horticulturae, 10(9), Article 960.
Mwando, N. L., Khamis, F. M., Ndlela, S., Meyhöfer, R., Ombura, F. L. O., Wamalwa, M., Subramanian, S., & Mohamed, S. A. (2024). Comparative transcriptome analysis of false codling moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta in response to high and low-temperature treatments. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D: Genomics and Proteomics, 50, Article 101199.
Rogge, S. A., Neugart, S., Schreiner, M., & Meyhoefer, R. (2024). Phenolic compounds in different stages of ontogenesis in Chrysanthemum: a potential for thrips-resistance characterisation. Horticulturae, 10(8), Article 822.


Czarnobai de Jorge, B., Meyhoefer, R., & Gross, J. (2023). Development of color sticky traps for monitoring Cacopsylla pyri inspired by research on color preferences. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 2023(166), 61-63.
Czarnobai De Jorge, B., Meyhöfer, R., Jürgens, A., & Gross, J. (2023). Preference of pear psyllid (Cacopsylla pyri) for specific colour inspires new application in plant protection. Journal of applied entomology, 147(10), 976-989.
Dieckhoff, C., & Meyhöfer, R. (2023). If only you could catch me – Catch me if you can: Monitoring aphids in protected cucumber cultivations by means of sticky traps. Horticulturae, 9(5), Article 571.
Grupe, B., Dieckhoff, C., & Meyhöfer, R. (2023). Keep an eye on natural enemies: What Aphidius on sticky traps tells us about aphid pest population dynamics. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 171(10), 722-731.
Thanthri, N. T. W., & Meyhöfer, R. (2023). Does apple replant disease affect the soil patch selection behaviour and population growth of Collembolans? Journal of applied entomology, 147(1), 36-46.


Mwando, N. L., Ndlela, S., Subramanian, S., Mohamed, S. A., & Meyhöfer, R. (2022). Efficacy of Hot Water Treatment for Postharvest Control of Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis in French Beans. Pest management science, 78(10), 4324-4332.
Mwando, N. L., Ndlela, S., Meyhöfer, R., Subramanian, S., & Mohamed, S. A. (2022). Immersion in hot water as a phytosanitary treatment for Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Postharvest biology and technology, 192, Article 112026.


Laurenz, S., & Meyhöfer, R. (2021). Banker plants promote functional biodiversity and decrease populations of the cabbage whitefly Aleyrodes proletella. Journal of applied entomology, 145(1-2), 36-45.
Laurenz, S., & Meyhöfer, R. (2021). Conservation of non-pest whiteflies and natural enemies of the cabbage whitefly aleyrodes proletella on perennial plants for use in non-crop habitats. Insects, 12(9), Article 774.
Michaelis, J., & Meyhoefer, R. (2021). Inokulation von Böden mit drei verschiedenen Collembola-Arten: Tragen sie zur Überwindung der Apfel-Replant-Krankheit bei? In 62. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung: Gesunde Pflanzen in Verantwortung für unsere Welt; 21. - 23. September 2021, -Kurzfassungen… (pp. 121). (Julius-Kühn-Archiv; Vol. 467). Julius Kühn Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen.
Mwando, N. L., Ndlela, S., Meyhöfer, R., Subramanian, S., & Mohamed, S. A. (2021). Hot Water Treatment for Post-Harvest Disinfestation of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Its Effect on cv. Tommy Atkins Mango. Insects, 12(12), Article 1070.

Supervised Theses

Showing results 1 - 10 out of 10


Jeschke, K. (2020). Analyse von Resistenzfaktoren in Chrysanthemum x morifolium Ramat gegenüber Frankliniella occidentalis. MSc Thesis. [Master's thesis, Leibniz University Hannover].


Ludwig, M. (2017). Pest prevention in Brassica vegetables. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.


Böckmann, E. (2015). Combined monitoring of pest and beneficial insects with sticky traps, as basis for decision making in greenhouse pest control. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover].
Muvea, A. M. (2015). The effect of fungal endophytes on thrips and tospovirus epidemiology. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover].
Tölle-Nolting, C. (2015). Impact of climate change on vegetable pest insects: Aleyrodes proletella as a model organism. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover].


Ngugi, M. K. (2013). Foraging decision of aphidophagous predators and conservation biological control: a case study with syrphid antagonists. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.


Nyasani Ounya, J. (2012). Field ecology of western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis in French bean agroecosystems in Kenya. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover].


Jazzar, C. (2007). Parasitoid learning and intraguild predation and their effects on the biological control of aphids. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover].


Klug, T. (2006). Schädlingsmonitoring und Entwicklung von nachhaltigen Pflanzenschutzstrategien in Spinatkulturen. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.


Wiethoff, J. (2005). Einsatz von Nützlingskombinationen gegen Blattläuse und Thripse im Gemüsebau unter Glas. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.