People at the Institute of Horticultural Production Systems

Staff directory: people at our instiute

Here you can find contact information of all members of the institute: You can filter by name, section or role.


Executive Director

Prof. Dr. rer. hort. Traud Winkelmann

Executive Board

Deputy Management

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dag Heinemann

Safety Officers

Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Olsowski

Biosystems Engineering Section

Emeritus/Retired Professors

Christian von Zabeltitz

Woody Plant and Propagation Physiology Section


Prof. Dr. rer. hort. Traud Winkelmann

General Management

Dipl.-Ing. agr. Simon Richartz

Safety Officers


Prof. Dr. rer. hort. Traud Winkelmann

Postdoctoral researchers

Dr. rer. nat. Christin Bündig

Research Staff

Schegitu-Alem Genette Teshome

Lecturers from other Universities

PD Dr. rer. hort. Uwe Drüge

Emeritus/Retired Professors

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Wolfgang Spethmann

Doctoral Candidates

Annina Marxen, B. Sc.
Philipp Rüter, M. Sc.

Fruit Growing Section



General Management

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Peter Grimm-Wetzel

Safety Officers

Simon Sitzenstock


Doctoral Candidates

Administrative/Technical Staff

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Peter Grimm-Wetzel
Germaine Victoria Malon

Phytomedicine Section



apl. Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Rainer Meyhöfer

Lecturing Staff

Emeritus/Retired Professors

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hau
Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Poehling

Doctoral Candidates

Maria Athanasiadou, M. Sc.
Björn Alexander Grupe, M. Sc.
Svenja Lindenau
Mirko Sebastian Rakoski
Sina Alexandra Rogge, M. Sc.
Nilupuli Thushangi Wadu Thanthri, M. Sc.

Administrative/Technical Staff

Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Olsowski

Vegetable Systems Modelling Section

Research Staff

Dr. Ing. Ana Claudia Callaú-Beyer

Emeritus/Retired Professors

Prof. Dr. Helmut Krug
Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Hartmut Stützel

Administrative/Technical Staff

Floriculture Section

Administrative/Technical Staff

Annette Hunold

Abteilung Phytophotonik


Melanie Rothenhäuser


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dag Heinemann

Research Staff

Dr. Hans Lukas Bethge, M. Sc.
Dr. Bishnu Prasad Khanal

Dritt-& Sonderm. GPS-Phytophotonik

Operations Manager Ruthe

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