New approaches to control the cabbage whitefly (Aleyrodes proletella) a key pest in cabbage
Led by: | PD Dr. R. Meyhöfer |
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Team: | Dr. P. Hondelmann |
Year: | 2013 |
Date: | 05-09-13 |
Funding: | BOELN-BLE |
Duration: | 2013-2016 |
New approaches for the control of the cabbage whitefly (Aleyrodes proletella; Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in a framework of biological and conventional plant protection measures will be investigated and implemented. As crop plant, Brussels sprouts is selected. In the current sub-project several known plant protection strategies will be combined and optimised for the control of an emerging pest problem, the cabbage whitefly. Firstly several Brussels sprouts cultivars will be screened for existing resistances against, in order to identify resistant cultivars which can limit population growth of the cabbage whitefly. Secondly a trap-cropping strategy will be used to avoid infestation of the crops and reduce pest pressure within the crops as far as possible. The third measure is the establishment of flower strips near the crop which promote naturally occurring antagonists such as hoverflies, parasitoids, lacewings, ground beetles and ladybugs. These antagonists should be able control the remaining pest populations sufficiently. The last step involves the characterisation of cabbage whitefly endosymbionts by molecular methods (Poster DGaaE Freising). The effect of endosymbionts on fitness of the cabbage whitefly and parasitoids, insect population development and plant resistance will be elucidated to strike a new path in plant protection strategies.